K9 Nose Work® Classes

K9 Nose Work® is fun scent detection work for dogs. Simply put, it is allowing your dog to do what he does best, use his nose. Our classes are designed to teach the handler and dogs to do the same type of work as a professional scent dog (drugs, bombs, arson, etc.) but just for fun! We use three different odors – birch, anise and clove – in four different search environments (elements) – interiors, exterior, vehicles and containers. All dogs have great noses and are capable of the work. The difference for us is that there are no lives on the line and everyone has fun! 

This is a great activity for you and your dog. If you are interested there are also competition events. Our classes are designed to help you enjoy Nose Work for fun and fun during competition. The work is all positive so the dog has good associations with the work and the environments. We focus on building the dog’s hunt drive so that they will work happily and independently. These methods are great confidence builders for the dog and fun for all involved. Dogs are worked one at a time so those with dog social issues can still participate in classes.

If you are interested in trying K9 Nose Work® you will start with the Introduction to Nose Work and then continue with Introduction to Odor. These foundation classes are each 6 week sessions and will give you an idea of what the activity and sport are about. Continuing classes will help you hone your handling skills, learn to read your dog and become a better partner to your dog. If you are interested, they will also prepare for competition. 

Nose Work is an activity that all dogs can enjoy. However, not all dogs are comfortable in a class setting. Some may be too worried about new people and some are not able to wait in the car for their turn to search. Many dogs who don’t appreciate the company of other dogs can successfully navigate the class parking lot but some cannot. If attending a class is not a good fit for your dog, you can still do Nose Work at home. You can attend the class as an auditor without your dog and do the exercises at home with your dog. You and your dog still get all the benefits of Nose Work. And you get even more instruction and observation time as an auditor. Contact Dorothy if you are interested in attending class as an auditor.  

K9 Nose Work® classes are offered at the Canine Co-op in Lacey. Classes are taught by Dorothy Turley, Rachelle Bailey-Austin and Mary Oberson. For more information about them, see details in the instructor tab below. You can expect to see the instructor listed with the class for most sessions. At times we do some rotations and substitutions for each other. 

Parking lot & dog etiquette for Nose Work classes

Please take a moment to review this brief 2 1/2-minute video about parking, toileting your dog and moving through the parking lot before coming to class. 

This map outlines parking and toileting your dog. During the summer, we may be able to use some additional shady parking after business hours with permission from our neighbors. Please check with your instructor to confirm parking not listed on this map. 

If you would like to come early walk your dog before class, please do not park in the lot as it may disrupt the earlier class or confuse your dog about working expectations. There is a great path around the retention ponds just up the street. Once you have finished your walk, you can move into the parking lot to make it clear to your dog that it is now time for Nose Work. This only applies to folks who are looking for more than a quick (under 5 minutes) toilet walk for their dogs. 

COVID-19 Class Protocols

#1 rule – if you are someone you are around is showing symptoms, feels sick, have tested positive or have a possible exposure, do not come to class.

  • Hand sanitizer will be available at both doors to use every time you enter the building (even if you are wearing gloves). Feel free to bring your own hand sanitizer for your own use.
  • When possible, doors will be propped open.
  • Only one person in the lobby at a time.
  • Inside & Outside: Everyone should maintain a minimum of 6’ of distance from anyone outside of their household.
  • Please do not rearrange chair in class. If you are attending with someone from your household, you may move a chair to sit together but please make sure that you have space from others.
  • Once you are seated at a class, please stay in that chair for the duration of the on that day. You do not need to sit in the same place every week.
  • Masks are welcome at any time for any reason, so feel free to continue to wear yours if it helps you feel comfortable.
  • Staff will frequently clean and sanitize bathroom and building with a particular emphasis on commonly touched surfaces. (We always did but now you know we do 🙂

Classes Offered

Beginning level-Interiors, Containers, Exteriors & Vehicles


Class Description: Dogs know how to use their noses! They also have a natural desire to hunt and love using their nose to do this. The activity and sport of K9 Nose Work is designed to help you and your dog work together to use these natural abilities while also using plenty of your dog’s mental and physical energy. And you will enjoy watching you dog do what he loves. Nose Work is for dogs of all breeds, ages and abilities. This class will focus on building your dog’s hunt drive and teaching him how to search interiors and containers. All dogs will be separate and we only work one dog at a time so dogs that are not comfortable with other dogs are welcome but please clear with instructor first. We will meet for 6 sessions and each will be 1 to 1.5 hours long.

Prerequisite: Dog must be at least 5 months old (or instructor permission).

Notes: Beginning Level. Dogs attend all 6 classes. In K9 Nose Work, we only work one dog at a time so that they can focus and you can watch other teams work. You should plan to leave your dog in the car until it is his turn. Please feel free to discuss any concerns that you may have with the instructor in advance of class.

Cost: $200 per dog

Date: Saturday, August 3, 1:30 p.m. Instructor: Mary Oberson

If the class time and date listed does not work for your schedule, please fill out a registration form to be notified when we have a new class scheduled.

Click Here to register for an Intro to Nose Work Class

Intermediate level-Handling, Interiors, Containers, Exteriors & Vehicles

Class Description: This class is for dogs that have completed the Introduction to K9 Nose Work® classes. We will introduce the first odor (birch) to the teams. We will also focus on reading dogs and improve human handling skills in their searches. This is a 6 week class and each class is 1-1.5 hours long.
Prerequisite: Dog and handler have must have completed the Introduction to K9 Nose Work® class.

Notes: Dogs attend all 6 classes.
Cost: $200 per dog.

Dates: Date to be determined

If you have completed Intro to Nose Work and would like to be notified of the new Into to Odor class date, please fill out a registration form. 

Click Here to register for an Intro to Odor Class

Intermediate & Advanced Level

Class Description: These classes are for dogs and handlers teams that have completed the Introduction to Odor class. We will continue to work with Birch but expand the dog’s search areas and skills. We will work in all four elements—containers, interiors, exteriors and vehicle searches. Additional odors, Anise and Clove, will be added as the team advances. Each level is progressively more challenging. Teams in these classes can look forward to competing with their dog or continuing to enjoy Nose Work as a rewarding hobby. These are 6-week class sessions and each class is 1-1.5 hours long.

Prerequisite: Teams must have completed Introduction to Nose Work and Introduction to Odor class. Check with instructor to find a class that will work for you and your dog.

Notes: Dogs attend all classes. These classes are open enrollment–you may start at any time with the permission of the instructor. Students are added to classes based on space availability and skill level.
Check with an instructor before registering to find the right class for you and your dog and if there is space available.

Cost: $180 per dog for 6 classes.

Class times:
Mondays, 10:30 a.m. Instructor: Rachelle Bailey-Austin

Mondays, 12:15 p.m. Instructor: Mary Oberson
Mondays, 5:00 p.m. Instructor: Rachelle Bailey-Austin
Mondays, 6:45 p.m. Instructor: Rachelle Bailey-Austin
Tuesdays, 5:30 p.m. Instructor: Dorothy Turley
Tuesdays, 7:15 p.m. Instructor: Dorothy Turley
Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m. Instructor: Dorothy Turley
ednesdays, 11:30 a.m. Instructor: Dorothy Turley
Wednesdays, 5:30 Instructor: Rachelle Bailey-Austin
Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m. Instructor: Rachelle Bailey-Austin
Thursdays, 10:00 a.m. Instructor: Rachelle Bailey-Austin
Thursdays, 11:30 a.m. Instructor: Mary Oberson

Thursdays, 1:15 p.m. Instructor: Mary Oberson

Thursdays 5:00 p.m. Instructor: Rachelle Bailey-Austin

Thursdays 6:45 p.m. Instructor: Rachelle Bailey-Austin
Fridays 6:30 p.m. Instructor: Mary Oberson
Saturdays, 10:00 a.m. Instructor: Rachelle Bailey-Austin
Saturdays, 11:30 a.m. Instructor: Mary Oberson
Sunday, 10:30 a.m. Instructor: Mary Oberson

Nose Work Class Price list

Dorothy Turley, CNWI, CPTD-KA

In 2010, I attended a seminar on K9 Nose Work® with Ron Gaunt (one of the founders of K9 Nose Work®). I was immediately hooked. I started working with my own dogs and began teaching classes within a few months. I attended the instructors training course later that year and became a Certified Nose Work Instructor (CNWI) in June of 2011. Since then, I have had the joy of competing with my own dogs and watching my students grow in the activity and have success in the sport. I have had the honor of teaching at Nose Work camps in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Colorado.

I also hold several different jobs with the National Association of Canine Nose Work (NACSW.net) including; National Trial Coordinator, Trial Representative, Supervision Certifying Official, Member of Certifying Official Education Committee and Trial Judge.

The dog that I started in Nose Work in 2010 and had the joy of attending Nationals in Boston, MA in 2017 with my best girl, Zoey. I have had the joy of working many different types and sizes of my dogs in Nose Work and am currently starting on our Elite journey with my Chihuahua mix, Brigette.

I currently share my life with my husband, Chuck, and our dogs, Brigette and Eevee in Rochester, WA.


Rachelle Bailey-Austin, CNWI

Rachelle is a CNWI (Certified Nose Work Instructor) dba About Face K-9 Academy has been teaching classes and providing behavior solutions for our best friends for 20 plus years and is educated and well-informed on the latest POSITIVE, PRACTICAL, & EFFECTIVE training techniques. She regularly attends continuing education seminars around the country to keep her training skills on the cutting edge. She strives to help clients understand how and why their dogs think the way they do using reward-based training methods.
She established her training business in 1994 and has been responsible for providing SCIENCE & REWARD-BASED training and canine behavior classes in the Olympia, Washington area. About Face K-9 Academy’s focus is to train dogs in the most up-to-date, positive, efficient manner available. Education is the most powerful training tool needed in dog classes. About Face K-9 Academy USES TRAINING METHODS THAT FOCUS ON WHAT THE DOG IS DOING RIGHT! without the use of forceful methods. The results are dogs who are happy and content to work with their owners. Wouldn’t we all rather work for someone who encourages and rewards our efforts? Dog training becomes easy if the owner and dog have a great relationship!


Mary Oberson, KPA CTP, Fear Free Certified

Mary has a BA in Psychology and worked in veterinary medicine for 27 years. During that time she pursued continuing education in dog behavior and training. She started hosting puppy socialization classes at the veterinary hospital and became an instructor at a local dog training school where she taught puppy classes, basic obedience, and agility.
She competed in agility, obedience, and rally with her Border Collie, Cami. Cami earned multiple titles, but more importantly showed Mary what it means to work in partnership with a dog and build a relationship based on trust and respect. Mary’s English Toy Spaniel, Wiggle, also competed in AKC agility and was the #1 English Toy Spaniel for two years. Wiggle taught Mary that dog training requires a sense of humor.
Mary currently lives with a Border Collie, Hobbit, and an English Toy Spaniel, Zipper. 

Hobbit does canine fitness, agility, freestyle dance, and nose work.

Zipper is a nose work addict and focuses on entertaining everyone with his enthusiastic searches. 

Mary enjoys helping other people develop their relationships with their dogs through communication, understanding, and laughter. Mary is a KPA Certified Dog Trainer and Fear Free Certified.